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Tattoo Photos – Astrological Leo

Astrological Leo by Tara B – Leo is the zodiac’s most spontaneous and spirited sign. <br data-mce-fragment1><br data-mce-fragment1>If you’re an astrology-loving Leo (AKA anyone born between July 23 and August 22), celebrate your sun sign with this teeny, tiny tattoo.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Photos – Astrological Leo

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Tattoo Design Ideas – Bear With Me

Bear With Me by Jamie Kan – There’s a power that lives within you.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Design Ideas – Bear With Me

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Style Tattoos – Bottomside

Bottomside by Chinatown Stropky Superlotl – Chinatown Stropky is an artist and tattooer based in Vancouver, Canada. He describes his clever, contemporary designs as “childlike and playful”. Over his years of tattooing, Stropky has amassed a large, loyal following from around the world. However, his artistic expression isn’t limited to tattoos. Stropky also spends his […]

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Lady Tattoo Design – Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse by sketchnate – The classic chase has advanced in recent years.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Lady Tattoo Design – Cat and Mouse

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Tattoo Easy Design – Breezy

Breezy by EASTERN SPRING CO – Inspired by the wildflowers in Australia.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Easy Design – Breezy

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