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Picture tattoos - coliseo 1

Picture Tattoos – Coliseo

Coliseo by Britney Olivares – Back in time.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Picture Tattoos – Coliseo

Tattoo photos - ancre 3

Tattoo Photos – Ancre

Ancre by Marion – I refuse to sink.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Photos – Ancre

Tattoos ideas small - crossroad 5

Tattoos Ideas Small – Crossroad

Crossroad by Michelle Sit – To indicate how far one’s traveled.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoos Ideas Small – Crossroad

Tattoo idea men - compass rose 7

Tattoo Idea Men – Compass Rose

Compass Rose by Brandon Giambattista – The compass rose has been a staple of Old School tattoo design since the 1700s. Back then, sailors would get it inked while at sea. Usually used to indicate directions on a map, they believed it would keep them safe and stop their ships from straying off course. For […]

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