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Ideas for tattoos - dichotomy 1

Ideas For Tattoos – Dichotomy

Dichotomy by theplasticcrown – Hovering beneath a haunting crescent moon, this weird, winged, human-headed creature was created by Chicago-based tattoo artist Daniel Vasquez (AKA theplasticcrown).Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Ideas For Tattoos – Dichotomy

Cool tattoo ideas - crystal castle 3

Cool Tattoo Ideas – Crystal Castle

Crystal Castle by Jubixpix – This floating crystal castle is the castle of your dreams.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Cool Tattoo Ideas – Crystal Castle

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Tattoos Idea For Guys – Asclepius

Asclepius by Jack Candlish – This old school style design combines two of the most popular motifs in tattooing the snake and dagger. The serpent slithering up the dagger’s dangerously sharp blade is said to represent Mercury, the Roman god of travelers and tricksters, who carried a similar serpent-entwined staff.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers […]

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Lady Tattoo Design – Cat and Mouse

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Tattoos Ideas With Meaning – Art Therapy

Art Therapy by Sravya – Thankful for having art a healing medium and an outlet for emotional expression.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoos Ideas With Meaning – Art Therapy

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Ideas Tattoos – Botanical Elegy

Botanical Elegy by Ty Pilcher – This design symbolizes the interplay between life and death, and prompts reflection on life’s impermanence and the cyclical nature of existence.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Ideas Tattoos – Botanical Elegy

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Tattoos Ideas For Moms – Chew

Chew by MFK_draws – A wisdom tooth for the wise.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoos Ideas For Moms – Chew

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