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Tattoo style - butterfly of hope 1

Tattoo Style – Butterfly of Hope

Butterfly of Hope by Nic Squirrell – Change is always hard, but trust the process.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Style – Butterfly of Hope

Ideas for tattoos - dichotomy 3

Ideas For Tattoos – Dichotomy

Dichotomy by theplasticcrown – Hovering beneath a haunting crescent moon, this weird, winged, human-headed creature was created by Chicago-based tattoo artist Daniel Vasquez (AKA theplasticcrown).Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Ideas For Tattoos – Dichotomy

Ideas tattoo - butterfly affectation 5

Ideas Tattoo – Butterfly Affectation

Butterfly Affectation by Beirxt – Pure freedom is an unfortunate illusion.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Ideas Tattoo – Butterfly Affectation

Easy tattoo designs - chrysalis 7

Easy Tattoo Designs – Chrysalis

Chrysalis by Miguel Romero – ‘Chrysalis’ is the first episode in Life Is Strange that introduces the ability to rewind time. This ability causes a butterfly effect every time it is used.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Easy Tattoo Designs – Chrysalis

Tattoo ideas arm - delicate touch 9

Tattoo Ideas Arm – Delicate Touch

Delicate Touch by breiaxdiaz – Crystal clear visions.Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Ideas Arm – Delicate Touch

Arm tattoos ideas - brielle 11

Arm Tattoos Ideas – Brielle

Brielle by Jamie Kan – Damn, you’re beautiful!Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Arm Tattoos Ideas – Brielle

Mom tattoos ideas - cocytia 13

Mom Tattoos Ideas – Cocytia

Cocytia by AnotherOutsider – They’re like Pokemon, gotta catch ’em all!Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Mom Tattoos Ideas – Cocytia

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Tattoo Idea Men – Aleas

Aleas by Malt – A butterfly that wants to live under the sun and the moon. Why choose?Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Idea Men – Aleas

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